5 Simple Tips to Beat Monday Blues

“New beginnings are available to all of us over fifty times a year; they are called Mondays.”

-Byron Pulsifer

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Are you sure that it’s here again already? Another Monday? Cue the snooze button!

Needless to say, the Monday Blues is real. Sometimes,it’s just hard to accept the fact that it is time for a whole new week of fun adulting after the weekend. I used to spend my Sundays with the worst anxiety, actual headaches included. I didn’t want to do ANYTHING because I knew that the next day was Monday! Sometimes, I would even get physically sick thinking about it.

Something had to change.

I came to the realization that maybe Monday didn’t have to be so bad and started to think of what I could do to minimize the stress of it as much as possible. So I started small and Mondays actually became more bearable until it became just another day of the week to be conquered.

Here are the 5 simple starting points that got me out of my Monday Blues routine. They may help you to have an awesome Monday as well (okay, okay, maybe not awesome because we have to be real but it may be much better than it is for you now) :

1 . Plan the Week Ahead

Instead of using Monday as the start of a long week ahead, use it as a milestone. Write down all of your deadlines and tasks that you have for the week and assign tasks to each day. It is a good practice to keep your Monday to-do list as light as possible. Remember, it’s all about starting simple and giving yourself that mental break to get your week started right!

Instead of looking down the long stretch to Friday, this will divide your week into segments. Check off everyday’s to-do list and take things one day at a time.

2 . Wake Up Later

You read that correctly. In order to start the process of making Mondays more bearable, you need to start as simple as possible. If you are the type to abuse your snooze button on Mondays, just eliminate the need to this: set your alarm to wake up later! On Sunday evening, prep everything that you will need the next morning. That includes everything from laying out your outfit to prepping your breakfast.

My two personal favorite options for a quick breakfast on Mondays are usually either instant oaks (add blueberries in the AM, so good!) or sausage biscuits that I can pop in the microwave and go! This could easily save you up to 30 minutes getting ready that you could use to get some extra Z’s.

3 . Claim a Good Day

This is a very important one. Even if you do all of the other things on this list, if you do not have a positive perspective about your Monday…you most likely won’t have one. Go ahead and accept the fact that you will have a good Monday no matter what comes your way. It works a lot better than waking up dreading life, trust me!

4 . Pep Yourself Up

It happens. Sometimes we just need to have that extra push to get us up and going no matter how positive and upbeat we are. Majority of the time, breakfast and my multivitamins give me that boost that I need. If I am feeling a little rough, I may drink some of my Matefit metabolic tea as well. Not sure what it is about it, but that stuff really gets me going without the jitters, an A+ for me. If I’m feeling even rougher than that, I go for a run on the treadmill and listen to a motivational podcast before work.

Whatever method that you use to pep yourself up, do it accordingly!

5 . Dress the Part

I feel a lot better during the day when I am “dressed up”. This could mean wearing a bomb outfit that makes you feel and look good or even touching up your face with makeup. The saying “when you look good, you feel good” is true in most circumstances. Monday is no exception. Dress in your “Monday Best” and set out to conquer your week!

Let’s chat! What are some ways that you battle the Monday Blues?


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